Firearms Offences

There are a number of Criminal Code firearms offences an individual can be charged with. These are generally divided into two categories: offences related to firearm use and offences related to firearm possession.

Offences related to firearm use include:

  • s. 85 – Using a firearm in the commission of an offence
  • s. 86 – Careless use of a firearm
  • s. 87 – Pointing a firearm
  • s. 220 – Criminal negligence causing death (with a firearm)
  • s. 236 – Manslaughter
  • s. 239 – Attempted murder (with a firearm)
  • s. 244 – Discharging a firearm with intent
  • s. 244.2 – Reckless discharge of a firearm
  • s. 272 – Sexual assault with a weapon (with a firearm)
  • s. 279.1 – Hostage taking (with a firearm)
  • s. 343 – Robbery (with a firearm)
  • s. 346 – Extortion (with a firearm)
  • Any other offence involving the use of a weapon where that weapon is a firearm

Offences related to firearm possession include:

  • s. 88 – Possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose
  • s. 89 – Carrying a weapon in public
  • s. 90 – Carrying a concealed weapon
  • s. 91 – Unauthorized possession of a firearm
  • s. 92 – Possessing a firearm knowing its possession is unauthorized
  • s. 94 – Possession of a prohibited or restricted firearm in a motor vehicle
  • s.95 – Possession of a loaded prohibited or restricted firearm; or possession of a prohibited or restricted firearm with readily accessible ammunition
  • s. 98 – Breaking and entering to steal a firearm
  • s. 99 – Trafficking in weapons
  • s. 100 – Possession for the purpose of weapons trafficking
  • s. 101 – Transferring a firearm without authority
  • s. 102 – Making an automatic firearm
  • s. 103 – Importing or exporting firearms knowing it is unauthorized
  • s. 104 – Unauthorized importing or exporting
  • s. 105 – Losing or finding a firearm
  • s. 106 – Destroying firearm without reporting to a peace officer
  • s. 107 – False statement concerning loss/theft/destruction of firearm
  • s. 108 – Tampering with a serial number
  • s. 117.01 – Breaching a weapons prohibition order

Consequences of Being Found Guilty of a Firearm Offence

In every case, being charged with a firearms offence is always a serious criminal charge. It is important to note that a conviction for a firearm related offence can lead to significant jail time; can prevent you from owning legally obtained firearms in the future and can have serious consequences for you at a bail hearing if you are ever charged with a criminal offence again. The law surrounding firearms offences is very complex, and it is impossible for us to outline all these complexities here.

At Godinho Zager LLP, our Criminal Lawyers possess extensive expertise in defending firearms charges and strive to achieve the best possible outcome for clients facing such charges. Whether you have been charged for possessing an illegal firearm or whether you have been charged with carelessly storing your lawfully owned firearm – we defend all firearms related charges. If you have been charged with a firearms offence, we encourage you to contact us promptly. We offer a free consultation to discuss your situation and explore the available legal options.

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